How to slow down aging: 3 effective tips from doctors

There are many products on the market that are advertised as “miracle cures” for old age. Meanwhile, doctors and scientists never tire of repeating that aging is a natural process that cannot be stopped. However, there are several ways that can slow it down. Experts named several effective rules that will help prolong the body's youth.

Fighting oxidative stress and inflammation

According to Dr. Nayan Patel, the body's first line of defense against oxidative stress is antioxidants and glutathione in particular. “Our bodies make glutathione using amino acids from food. It removes toxins from the body, absorbs free radicals and increases cellular function. This means that glutathione not only prevents oxidative stress, but also helps the body fight its consequences,” said the doctor.

Patel explained that due to oxidative stress, organs gradually lose their ability to work at the proper level. This process is most noticeable in the condition of the skin.

One of the main consequences of oxidative stress is inflammation. If this process becomes chronic, then as a result, healthy tissues are destroyed, which leads to various age-related diseases. A plant-based diet with a high content of fruits, vegetables and grain products will help in the fight against oxidative stress, the doctor said. He advised increasing daily activity and trying yoga or meditation.

Disconnect from gadgets

The doctor reminded that it is important to periodically rest from any gadgets. “Try to reduce your stress level by spending less time on smartphones, computers, laptops and other gadgets. These devices create electromagnetic fields, which also cause oxidative stress,” he said.

The “blue zone” diet

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Author: alex

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