How to slow down aging: 7 factors that inhibit telomer contractions


Time of life and duration of life. Some factors can accelerate their contractions, and some, on the contrary, inhibit this process. In newborns, the length of the telomer is about 10,000 pairs of bases, in a 40-year-old man she is already one third less, in 60-year-old is only half of the one at birth. The magnitude of the telomer, as shown by studies, may indicate the overall mortality and risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer.

“Long telomeres are related to health, performance and youth,” scientists say. In particular, it can be influenced by lifestyle changes. In order not to grow old, the main enemies of the telomer should be avoided. They are: inflammation, oxidative stress, insulin resistance.

In addition to these factors, the psyche also plays a very important role in the rapid shortening of Telomer. Stress, fears and, above all, traumatic childhood experiences can affect the magnitude of the telomer. It is known that people who had a lot of traumatic events in childhood have relatively shorter telomeres than people whose childhood was more prosperous.According to experts, everyone can make a lot useful for their telomer and provide themselves for a long life without illness. The following measures have proven a positive effect on telomeres in numerous studies:

quit smoking and avoid passive smoking. what smoking does old and sick is known. One reason for this is the relationship between smoking and early telomer wear. Science states that smoking is the most significant factor in shortening Telomer with the negative effects of this process for each cell.

reduce stress, depression and anxiety. Constant mental pressure and, above all, depression significantly shortens telomeres in addition to smoking. Experts recommend that you seek the professional help of psychologists and psychiatrists, as well as to master your breathing exercises and other techniques to help relax and relieve strong tension.

maintain physical activity. It is known that under the influence of some factors (environmental pollution, smoking) the body produces free radicals that cause oxidative stress, damage cells and shorten telomeres. Physical activity and sports, as research shows, is a very effective measure to reduce oxidative stress and reduce the length of telomer. For this purpose it is recommended to engage in aerobic loads three times a week for 45 minutes, especially useful will be slow jogging, cycling or swimming.According to the available data, sleep more than 7 hours is associated with long telomers, and the shorter the duration of sleep, the shorter the telomers become. To have a good dream, scientists advise not to contact late evenings with light sources and, above all, blue light coming from gadget screens. Abdominal fat increases the risk of metabolic disorders – for example, insulin resistance, which is a precursor to type 2 diabetes. The process of shortening telomer is also associated with the development of diabetes.

eat normally. by scientists, it is necessary to strive to consume more fresh fruits and vegetables to get antioxidants – substances with anti -inflammatory action. Blueberries, apples, broccoli, tomatoes, onions are especially good in this regard. Studies show that the higher the level of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood, the slower the telomeres are shorter. In particular, it has been found that longer telomeres are different people who have a good, warm relationship with neighbors. Experts advise to mention this before starting another conflict with those who live in the neighborhood.

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Author: alex

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