How to sow mustard in the fall for fertilizer: mistakes of gardeners
Mustard is used in autumn as fertilizer and sorting. Earth on the site.
no longer need to use mineral fertilizers, which will increase the quality of products. Immediately after laying in the ground, it quickly rot and gives useful components to the soil.
this siderate has other beneficial properties. The main ones include:
1. Mustard grows rapidly so prevents other weeds to develop.
2. This plant does not like many pests so it can quickly get rid of wire and fruit.
3. Siderate cleans the soil from scabies and phytophtors.
4. It is best to plant mustard before planting potatoes and tomatoes.
5. Powerful roots perfectly loosens the soil.
6. After cold, the green mass closes the ground and provides protection.
7. Mustard attracts useful insects to the site.Experienced gardeners claim that you can sow mustard throughout the season. It is usually planted a month before planting the main crops. This period is sufficient for the siderate to fill the soil with nutrients.
mustard mustard in the fall. Usually these tasks are carried out immediately after harvesting. This option is suitable for health and fertilizers. Seeds are usually sown in rows. The optimal distance between rows should be at least 15 centimeters.
They are also scattered on the ground and then rake. However, this method is considered less effective because the seeds are spent much faster. On average, there is 2 times more seeds than when choosing the first method. If there is dry weather in the fall, regular watering should be provided.
gardeners recommend sowing mustard immediately after potatoes or strawberries. With this siderata you can restore the soil and harvest a good harvest next season. In the warm period it is recommended to sow the seeds to a depth of 3 centimeters. Mustard grows quickly enough, so the first stairs can be seen in 3-4 days.
within a month the first stairs will grow to 15 centimeters. Cut mustard before flowering. Usually it is mowed and immediately laid in the ground. This will receive enough useful trace elements. This will allow the earth to remain quite loose. With this plant you can quickly recover the soil on the site.
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