How to spot a liar: 5 methods used by the CIA

Based on years of experience have developed an effective approach to detecting lies.

Based on many years of experience, an effective approach to detecting lies has been developed.

Here are five basic CIA techniques that will help you need to detect a deceiver:

1. Pay attention to non-verbal signals

A cheater is often betrayed by small non-verbal signs. These include:

  • Active gesturing. Liars often try to make up for their lies with excessive movements.
  • Touches to the face. Frequent touching of the nose, mouth or ears may indicate that a person is lying.
  • Frequent coughing. People who are nervous during deception may cough or clear their throat more often.

2. Avoiding a direct answer

If a person tries to avoid a direct answer to a question, this may be a sign of deception. Liars often change the subject or try to evade the question by giving vague answers.

3. Insisting that “everything is fine”

When the interlocutor insists that everything is fine, even when the situation seems suspicious, this may be a sign of an attempt to hide the truth. Too strong an assurance of peace can be alarming.

4. Manifestation of aggression

Aggressive behavior during a conversation is also a possible indication of deception. A person may try to divert attention from the lie by showing irritation or aggression.

5. Manipulation in dialogue

A liar often manipulates a conversation by repeating your questions or phrases. This is done in order to buy time and come up with an answer. For example, the phrase “Good question” can be a way to delay the moment of giving a false answer.

How to use these methods

To confirm suspicions, it is enough to find two of the five signs of deception. However, the more matches, the higher the probability that you are a liar. These methods do not guarantee 100% accuracy, but can be a powerful tool for detecting deception in everyday life.

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Author: alex

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