How to start the morning with benefit: six simple tips for breakfast

To get a charge of cheerfulness and energy in the morning, you need to follow just a few simple rules. Experts told what habits will help make the morning right.

Drink water

It is better to start the morning with a glass of water. According to a study published on the website of the American Chemical Society, participants who drank water before meals for 12 weeks lost weight. The fact is that water fills the stomach, so a person feels fuller and does not overeat during breakfast. In addition, water helps speed up metabolism and gives a boost of energy.

Avoid fast snacks

Some people prefer to snack on a cereal bar instead of breakfast. However, they will add strength only for a very short period of time. Usually, after such a “breakfast”, hunger returns a few hours before lunch.

Don't neglect the yolks

Some make an omelet or scrambled eggs without yolks, but experts believe that this is the wrong approach. Egg yolks are rich in vitamin D and contain choline, a substance that helps regulate metabolism, nerve function and brain function.

Eat the right oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of the most popular breakfasts. However, it is important to choose it correctly. Experts say that instant oatmeal from bags, seasoned with dried fruit and peanut paste is not the best solution because of the huge amount of sugar. Instead, add some berries and flax or chia seeds to a bowl of oatmeal.

Drink coffee without additives

Coffee has many health benefits. . But if you add flavored cream and other sweeteners to it, all its benefits disappear!

Add vegetables

Vegetables are rich in fiber, as well as many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Therefore, experts advise adding them to your breakfast.

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Author: alex

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