How to starve correctly so as not to slow down the metabolism
A living organism cannot exist without metabolism. Metabolic reactions allow cells, organs and tissues to quickly recover and receive energy. That is why metabolism determines the appearance and health of a person, the duration and quality of his life. If you want to take care of your health and lose weight, metabolism is something you need to pay special attention to. Albina Dolganyuk, a therapist at the Austrian Verba Mayr health center, gives advice on how to starve correctly and not harm your body.
The history of the discovery and study of the processes underlying metabolism spans several centuries. The results of the first simple experiments on human metabolism were carried out by the Italian doctor Santorio back in 1614. The researcher weighed his body in different situations: after sleeping, eating, on an empty stomach, while working. So he noticed that most of the food he consumed was lost through a process he called “imperceptible evaporation”.
Today we understand that the process of evaporation is metabolism. In medicine, it is divided into two stages: “anabolism”, when more complex high-molecular compounds are formed from simple substances that come with food, and “catabolism”, when simple compounds are formed from proteins, fats, carbohydrates with the release of energy.
The energy generated in the process of metabolism is necessary to ensure the healthy functioning of the body, to maintain sleep and wakefulness, for the synthesis of hormones, and for the functioning of the nervous and other systems. The rate of metabolism is strictly individual, it depends on the genetic characteristics, age and gender of a person.
It has been established that the rate of metabolism slows down with age, as well as with a decrease in muscle mass. It is believed that the more muscles on the body, the better the metabolism. This is probably why men, unlike women, have an average of 10% faster metabolism. Also, the metabolism in the female body can depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle.
Moreover, metabolism can decrease when losing weight and following extreme diets. Reflecting on the topic of therapeutic fasting as a method of preventive medicine, it is necessary to emphasize that the refusal of food should be strictly supervised by a doctor in the conditions of a medical hospital and a sanatorium-type medical institution.
In order for therapeutic starvation not to affect the rate of metabolism, the specialist selects the duration and frequency of starvation per year. The duration of the unloading and recovery period can last up to six months. Additional healing methods are used during hunger: homeopathy, hirudotherapy, acupuncture, breathing exercises, interval oxygen therapy, cleansing enemas, infusions, etc. The therapeutic effect of medical fasting is manifested in the reduction of the toxic load from the lymphatic, immune, and circulatory systems, the indicators of carbohydrate metabolism improve, and insulin resistance is corrected.
It is not possible to carry out medical fasting on your own. This leads to problems with digestion, the immune system decreases, the hormonal balance is disturbed, and the metabolism slows down. That is why at home you can only practice intermittent fasting 1-2 times a week with skipping the evening meal.
It has been established that intermittent and therapeutic fasting can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, dementia, senile dementia. Studies show that abstinence from food, one way or another, is perceived by the body as stress. Hunger is capable of triggering metabolic slowdown processes at the genetic level, as a self-preservation reflex.
What is important is the fact under which conditions and how the recovery period will take place. The success of the therapy is determined by the selection of light dietary nutrition during the recovery period. The duration of the recovery period takes 2-3 times more days than the therapeutic fasting itself.
It is recommended to support the early and late recovery period with regular physical exertion of varying degrees of intensity. In the future, it is necessary to organize a system of 3-4 meals without skipping breakfast, it is also advisable to limit food with a high content of animal fats and light carbohydrates. A good result is given by caloric restriction in the evening, as well as limiting the consumption of intolerant foods (a blood test for food intolerance is determined by Ig G).
Thus, a systematic, qualified approach to therapeutic fasting allows you to reduce the risks of slowing down the metabolic rate. , minimize the load on the digestive system. With an individual approach, the health effect of medical fasting for a person is undeniable.
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