How to stop hair loss: effective products named

Increasing the amount of fruit in your diet is an effective way to stop hair loss.

Apples will help prevent dandruff, and peaches can stop hair thinning.

According to Dr. Bashar Bizra, founder of the Beyond Med Center clinic in Kensington (England), the most common cause of baldness among men and women is genetics. Hair becomes less due to an unhealthy scalp condition, but this can be prevented.

The expert claims that fruits are able to provide the follicles with all the beneficial substances, among which he highlighted the following:

papaya is rich in vitamin C, which the body needs to produce collagen;

pineapple contains antioxidants that protect the roots from damage by free radicals;

peaches are rich in vitamins A and C, so they are an excellent natural moisturizer for the scalp;

the presence of copper, flavonoids, and omega-3 fatty acids in kiwi helps strengthen hair along its entire length;

apples, in addition to vitamins A, B, and C, contain procyanidin B-2, which promotes the growth of new hair.

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Author: alex

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