How to stop overeating: nutritionists named the simplest ways

Everyone has different threshold values ​​of how much is needed eat to suppress hunger. As a result, the very concept of overeating may differ depending on the situation and the person. In general, it is defined as consuming more food than the body can comfortably digest. As Dr. Yuden Harry explained, the first sign of overeating is bloating with many digestive symptoms. Over time, this habit leads to weight gain and obesity.

To avoid such consequences, experts advise using a few simple tricks.

Healthy snacks

First of all, doctors advise to keep an eye on healthy products, instead of chips, candies and other harmful snacks. “Out of sight, out of heart, is the easiest way to control your appetite,” said nutritionist Ilana Mulstein. The specialist advised to reduce the number of such products in the diet to a minimum.

Good sleep

Sleep improves the functioning of almost all systems of the body, and when it is not enough, it malfunctions. Research shows that sleeping less than 7 hours a day is more likely to cause uncontrollable hunger, which inevitably leads to overeating and weight gain.

Being ahead of hunger

< p>Doctors advise not to allow yourself to starve so much that you can eat a “whole bull” later. Experts recommend keeping protein products on hand, which you can use for a quick and healthy snack. “Cheese sticks, turkey meatballs, hummus, roasted chickpeas, nuts, energy balls, and protein shakes are some of my favorite foods,” says psychiatrist Susan Albers. Mühlstein also recommends looking into Greek yogurt, carrots and cucumbers.

Check in regularly

“When you feel yourself starting to want to eat, ask yourself how much are you really hungry?” – says the nutritionist. According to her, eating directly depends on this: whether it will be a small snack or a full meal.

In addition, experts recommended turning off the TV and gadgets during meals in order to control the size of portions. According to them, such conscious nutrition will help to avoid overeating and enjoy food. You should also increase the amount of fiber and protein in your diet and learn to eat slowly. As nutritionists explained, during slow chewing of food, a process is triggered that leads to the production of hormones by the stomach that tell the brain that it is full.

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Author: alex

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