How to stop snoring forever – an expert reveals the “best” and “worst” positions for sleeping


Although snoring is an involuntary action that occurs after a person falls asleep, the position you sleep in can make a difference. According to sleep expert Narwan Amini of Eachnight, back sleepers are at greater risk of snoring.

“Sleeping on your side, not your back, is the best way to prevent snoring. When you lie on your back, gravity pulls your tongue against your mouth, creating a blocked airway that causes you to snore.”

For people who struggle to transition from sleeping on their back to their side, Ms. Amini shared some important tips.

“Don't tuck your chin to your chest or lower your head, as this can block your airway and make breathing difficult. Keep your hands on your waist or parallel to your sides. If you have joint pain in this position, try placing a pillow between your knees to straighten your spine and relieve lower back pain.”

However, snoring can be caused by more than just your sleeping position.

According to the NHS, being overweight can cause people to snore.

“Weight gain can cause snoring because the tissue around your neck and throat increases, meaning your airways are more likely to be blocked when you sleep.” Losing a few pounds through exercise will strengthen your neck muscles, prevent snoring, and get rid of excess tissue.”

Increasing the amount of water you drink throughout the day can also make it less likely that you snoring before bed.

Amini explained:

“Dehydration can thicken mucus in the mouth and throat, making snoring worse. Drinking plenty of fluids relieves this congestion, allowing you to breathe more easily at night.”

Diet is also a leading factor, not only because it can contribute to weight gain, but also because certain foods can “fight the build-up slime”.

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Author: alex

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