How to store beets to be juicy and solid until spring
can be missed. Sufficient to make an error when harvesting root crops or incorrectly prepare the harvest for storage.
Let's tell you what to do to keep the beets to come to spring, does not wrinkle and wrinkles. Therefore, we remember that beets are:
- early ripening;
- medium;
- late term. a little time.
how to store
This is where the fun begins. So do with any root crops, but for beets, cut the buds directly in the garden, leaving the ponytails about 1 cm.
2. Then dry the crop, carefully clean the soil, sort separately what starts to spoil or damaged during harvesting.
3. Remove the lateral roots, but so that the vegetable itself is not damaged, but the main root can be cut, but not more than 7 cm. The temperature should not be higher +2 degrees, and humidity is more than 90%.. Potatoes make a significant contribution to beet storage. It is necessary to spread in a repository layer of potatoes, and put in one layer of beets on top. The fruits are so that they do not touch each other.
Option No. 3 . You can persist the beets with chalk powder, this method will eliminate the damage to the whole crop if you rot or deteriorate any of the roots.
Option No. 4 . In the apartment, if you do not store beets, but they do not last more than 4 months. You can put them in sand boxes and remove them on the balcony (if the balcony is warmed), only you have to check the moisture of the storage period.
Option # 5. So beetroot lies in the spring even in the apartment.
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