How to store products: 6 common mistakes
The preservation of freshness and nutritional value of products depends on their storage conditions. Many people make mistakes that lead to premature spoilage of products.
Neither cold nor hot
Not all products need to be stored in the refrigerator. It is recommended to keep avocados, apricots, bananas, citrus fruits, garlic, kiwi, melon, nectarines, onions, pears, peaches, plums, pineapples, potatoes at room temperature. It is better to put apples, beans, berries, broccoli, cabbage (and cauliflower too), carrots, celery, cherries, corn, cucumbers, zucchini, ginger, grapes, green leafy vegetables in the refrigerator.
Bouquet greens
It is not enough to simply put parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, green onions in the refrigerator. To keep greens fresh as long as possible, it is better to collect them in a bouquet, put them in a jar with water, cover them with a plastic bag and only then put this composition in the refrigerator. Thyme, on the contrary, is better left in the fresh air, hanging the bunch.
To wash or not to wash
Many have encountered the fact that washed berries spoil faster. Usually, this is due to the fact that they are not well dried after washing. In order for the berries to be stored longer, it is recommended to soak them for a short time in a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:10, then dry them thoroughly and put them in the refrigerator. In this case, raspberries can stay fresh for about a week, strawberries for two weeks.
Like cheese in butter
This phraseology arose due to the ancient way of storing cheese: the cheese head was placed in a tub of butter, where the cheese remained fresh for a long time and did not dry out. In modern conditions, it is also better to smear a cut piece of cheese with butter, you can wrap it in oiled paper. Then you need to put it in a paper bag and place it in the refrigerator in a place with the highest temperature, for example, in a vegetable drawer. But you can't store cheese in plastic bags, because it spoils quickly.
Banana life hack
So that bananas do not turn black and retain their taste and aroma, they should be stored at room temperature with the leg wrapped in foil or cling film. On sale there are special holders-hangers for bananas. It is important to remember that bananas, like apples, release ethylene. This gas accelerates the ripening of vegetables and fruits. So that they do not overripe and spoil, it is recommended to store bananas and apples separately from other vegetables and fruits.
Onion delicacies
Onions should not be stored together with potatoes. , this will lead to rapid spoilage of bulbs. Both products do not need to be refrigerated, they will keep perfectly at room temperature if the place is dry and with good air circulation. The old advice of keeping onions in nylon tights is justified – this method allows you to keep the bulbs fresh for several months. Already peeled and chopped onions can be stored in plastic bottles, but before putting them there, you need to make sure that the onions are dry enough.
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