How to support plants in winter when heating appliances are on
With the onset of winter, no one wants to freeze, so it's a joy when the heating is turned on. The problem only arises with plants that are on the windowsill. It is impossible to move everything, but it is also impossible to leave everything just like that. Therefore, they need help.
Plan for helping plants near batteries
The best step to reduce the negative impact will be to reduce the temperature. This can be done if such an option is available in your apartment. In other cases, you need to ventilate the room more often, but this is an important point. It is necessary to minimize the impact of open windows and drafts. Simply and thoughtlessly opening the windows will not work.
Be sure to place a humidifier in the room where the plants are. They will take in the sprayed moisture and thus maintain the water balance.
To maintain it, you need to periodically carry out preventive spraying with a solution of the drug “Epin”. As for watering, it is done exclusively with water at room temperature. In addition, it should be settled. If you follow the specifics of care, the plants will comfortably survive the winter and enter the spring period in good condition.
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