How to “take care” of the tomato crop with the help of nettles and ashes
0 < Growing tomatoes is not an easy task. Every year summer residents face serious challenges. One of the problems is a meager harvest. Everyone knows that tomatoes are a capricious and picky culture. Even experienced gardeners make mistakes, because of which tomato bushes begin to suffer and wither.
How to feed tomatoes and get an incredible harvest
Achieving a good harvest is easy if you listen to useful tips. Correct planting of tomatoes is only half the battle. It is important to remember pollination and effective feeding.
Tomato bushes need feeding precisely during flowering.
Prepare a magical balm that will revive the plants and give them additional strength for active growth and fruiting .
Such nutrition has incredible properties. And it will not be difficult to prepare it.
One third of nettles, a bucket of mullein, 2 shovelfuls of ash, as well as 2 kg of yeast, 3 liters of whey are poured into a 200-300 liter barrel. Let the prepared infusion “saturate” for 2 weeks.
The resulting composition is diluted with water at a rate of 1:10 and the plants are watered under the root once every 7-10 days.
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