How to talk to children about military aggression

Children are prone to emotional perception of information no less than adults In this article, we will offer the basic rules of communication with children of different ages about military aggression.

The most important rule is that the child should always tell the truth, but without panic and excessive emotions. By choosing the right words, you can psychologically prepare the child for the sounds of sirens, explosions, etc. The main thing is that adults should show calmness in the eyes of the child, as a result of which the child will feel safe.

In the case when parents start panic and discuss their own fears and worries among themselves in the presence of children, children also begin to fear and worry about their own lives and the lives of their relatives.

It is best if parents explain the war to children, but if you cannot control your emotions, ask a close friend or family member to talk to your child.

For preschoolers

For young children, it is good to explain information through fairy tales. There are quite a lot of fairy tales that deal with the topic of security, not only the issue of war. Even on the example of the simplest fairy tale “The Goat-Dereza”, you can explain to a child how dangerous it is to let a stranger into your home.

Stories can be modeled on the parents themselves, and allegories and plots can be invented that would depict the events around them.


For children 6-10 years old:

It is worth repeating that parents are ready for anything and will protect them: if, say, they are collecting an “anxiety suitcase”, you can explain to the child that they have everything they need for any case. Remind that there is a shelter nearby, where you can hide and be safe.

If any of the adults in the family are in positions in the army or in places in the national defense, it is worth explaining that this is their job and duty , as well as the child's work and duty to continue his education.

Invite your child to support our defenders and draw a picture, write a poem, or write a story.

For older children and teenagers:

Older children already have access to information themselves. The task of parents is to filter the news they get from the Internet and correctly determine from which sources they get relevant information, to explain why it is important to read only official and verified information.

We must talk about the war. It is worth turning to history and saying that Ukraine has already experienced a number of wars in its history. You can tell the memories of relatives. Such life stories can reassure children.

Do not forget that regardless of the age of the child, it is worth finding a way to explain clear rules of behavior and that in a war situation we have be more careful than usual. It must be reminded that you cannot pick up anything on the street – unfamiliar things.

Stay close to children, now more than ever they need the attention and love of adults.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Everything will be Ukraine!

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Author: alex

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