How to turn dry sponge cakes into a fragrant cake

Biscuit is easily baked by experienced cooks, who, so-called, got their hands on this case. The fact is that this pastry is quite “demanding”. The cake may fall off, not rise, not be baked, or come out dry. What to do with cakes, how to save the situation when there is no time left to cook something new.


You can take a dry biscuit and spread it abundantly with cream. But the pastry will play with completely different colors if you soak it with syrup, and not necessarily with cognac.

For preparation you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. red wine;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 250 gr. sugar;
  • 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice;
  • vanillin or cinnamon to taste.

How to cook

Boil water, add she has sugar Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved and bring to a boil again.

Pour in the lemon juice, wine and add vanilla (cinnamon or other flavorings).

Now remove from the heat, stir, let it cool and infuse.

Then it remains to cut along the failed cakes, soak them with cooled syrup and you can spread the cream.

As a result of heat treatment, the alcohol evaporates and its presence will hardly be noticeable.< /p>

But the cakes will be fragrant and juicy, and the cake will be much tastier.


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Author: alex

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