How to understand that a man has grown up to a serious adult relationship

The time comes, and the girl meets the boy of her dreams. And handsome, and smart, and witty. Who does not dream of such a thing? But then she gets to know him better and begins to understand that her prince is not at all ready for a serious relationship.

No, he's still handsome and she loves him, but this is such a mess. And it happens at almost every step. The fact is that many guys still have a lot to learn and grow up to serious romantic relationships.

Yes, you will have fun and ease with such a young person. You can sincerely enjoy the time spent together. But no more. All this is not enough. Until there are signs that he is really ready for a serious and long-term relationship, you will not succeed with him. You don't plan to waste the precious time of your life and energy on a person with whom you have no future at all?

But how to determine whether he is ready for such a relationship or not? Where is the limit beyond which you can definitely decide that he has really grown up, finally, to them? How can you be sure that you are not mistaken, and he is not just going to play with you, but is ready for something more serious and deep? Answering these questions is not so easy, especially when you just start dating. The task is also complicated by the fact that you don't really know what to pay attention to.

You can love your boyfriend madly, put your whole soul into him, give yourself so much that you yourself begin to believe that he is ready for an adult relationship. But it will not be possible to deceive for a long time. And if everything goes completely differently, you will be very disappointed. That is why it is so important to look at everything without rose-colored glasses and soberly assess reality. No matter how much it hurts you. After all, you are not going to add thousands of armies of crying girls who have become victims of blind love?

Make a firm decision, change your pink lenses to clear ones and look carefully at your boyfriend. If you see that he is not ready for a serious relationship, you can always leave the game. If you are lucky and you find at least a few of the signs listed below, it means that your boyfriend is really ready to be with you. As the song says: “Together and forever”.

He is not looking around for a better option

Your boyfriend is no longer flirting with other women. He deleted all his profiles from dating sites, does not use the application on his phone “for lonely hearts”. Everything is logical. Why should he look for someone else if he has you – the one he wants to be close to.

He knows exactly what he expects from the future

If your boyfriend thinks about what he wants to achieve, who he wants to be with in the future, this is a good sign that means that the young man is really mature. Now he is not mindlessly sailing the river of life, but has taken the rudder in his hands and steers the ship himself. When a person has a plan, it is a sign of maturity.

He knows what he wants in a relationship

It is when a guy is clear for decided for himself what he expects from the relationship. He is no longer interested in such relationship formats as “play around and quit” or “try how tasty it is.” He knows exactly what he wants and goes to his goal, despite the obstacles.

He is not ashamed to be romantic

He understands that romance is necessary for a relationship. In the atmosphere of eternal jokes and jokes – they will not live long. Therefore, he does not hesitate to express his feelings, even if by nature he is reserved and few words. He opens his heart to you.

He knows how to communicate

For a mature relationship, it is very important that people know how to communicate with each other. Talking about your problems, discussing some points… If a guy already has this skill, it's a very good sign.

He really values ​​honesty and sincerity

A mature guy knows that there is no room for insincerity or deception in a long-term relationship. That is why he is always honest, both with you and with himself. If he doesn't like something, he will gently tell you about it, and will not pretend that everything is fine. He doesn't need to pretend or hide because he has you.

He understands the importance of commitment

A guy who is ready for a serious relationship knows that any relationship requires great effort and commitment from both partners. And he is not afraid of obligations, because he always plans to fulfill them.

He is ready to spend a lot of time with you

A guy makes you understand that he is always coming to meet you, always ready to be by your side – in grief and in joy. He is not afraid of problems or the fact that you will not have the same views on some things. Everything can be solved! The main thing is desire!

He does not hesitate to apologize when he is guilty

Every time a guy asks you for forgiveness, he shows his maturity. Because he is old enough to take responsibility and admit mistakes. In this way, he admits his imperfection, because he is only human, like the rest. Therefore, he needs to develop and grow, just like all of us. This feature is very important. It shows that the guy is really ready for a serious adult relationship.

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Author: alex

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