How to understand that cholesterol is high?

Increased cholesterol in the body increases the likelihood of dangerous cardiovascular disease. At the same time, not always about high cholesterol speak some bright symptoms. How to understand what is the problem?

Cholesterol is an organic fatty substance that is produced by the body (liver) and enters it with food (eggs, cheese, shellfish, fatty meat). Distinguish between “good” cholesterol (high density lipoproteins (HDL and “bad” cholesterol (low density lipoproteins (LDL). For health, it is dangerous first of all to increase “bad” cholesterol, which makes a person prone to atherosclerosis.From the point of view of science, increased cholesterol in the blood can be associated with genetics, as well as the effects of malnutrition, consumption in a large number of products with high content of trans fats in conjunction with unhealthy habits, smoking and lack of exercise. In addition, cholesterol levels such as age, chronic diseases, gender. Doctors note that high cholesterol may not have pronounced symptoms. Among the signs that indicate a very high cholesterol level are the following:

  • chest pain;
  • angina;
  • Pain that occurs when walking.

To find out your cholesterol level, you need to have a blood test. The most effective way to control cholesterol in the body is the diet and healthy habits. Here, in particular, scientists are recommended.

  • Use at least twice a week in food, rich omega-3, such as sardines, herring, mackerel, trout. Its consumption helps to reduce inflammation, protects against chronic heart disease.
  • try to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet and limit the consumption of fats and trans fats.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables every day. Their vitamins and minerals help the body fight the absorption of bad cholesterol.
  • eat fiber – not less than 30 grams a day. Cholesterol absorption is reduced in the bloodstream.
  • not tired. Stress can cause an increase in “bad” cholesterol.
  • maintain activity. At least at 20-30 minutes a day.

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Author: alex

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