How to understand that the pumpkin reached and the time of harvesting has come
Pumpkin can start cleaning since late August. However, it is not always possible to correctly determine the maturity of the fruit only by the calendar date. It is important to know the basic features that will indicate that the pumpkin is ripe and it is time to harvest.
When it is time to clean the pumpkin
You can clean the pumpkin if its stem is wound, it is not green and dry. Previously, it is not necessary to pull it out of the bed, otherwise you will get immature fruits.
yellowed leaves on a plant that has started to dry, will be a sure sign that it is time and pumpkin is ready for cleaning.
ripe pumpkin has a bright and saturated color. It may vary depending on the variety and be both orange, yellow and gray-green. Therefore, it is important to know the features of the variety so as not to harvest earlier than the term. It should not “fail” when pressed.
ripe vegetables have a clear pattern. Some varieties when matured are covered with light bloom.
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