How to understand the normal value of your blood pressure
in Ukraine arterial hypertension suffers every fifth, and after 50 years-every other person. In doing so, most patients feel absolutely healthy.
According to doctors, it is commonly believed that high pressure is sure to manifest itself – headache, noise in the ears, weight. However, cases where it does not make itself known, even rising to critical values, is often.
moreover, there are people who are particularly cheerfully feeling at high pressure. Such cheerfulness can be extremely dangerous because the hypertensive crisis threatens dangerous complications that can lead to death.
Another problem is that many people with hypertension consider their pressure normal. “This is my working pressure”, they say.
doctors remind that the pressure of 120/80 is considered normal; from 120/80 to 130/80 – elevated; 130/80 to 139/89 is the first degree hypertension that should be treated. It is necessary to exclude products that complicate the course of hypertension – salty, fried, smoked, canned, etc. Be sure to reduce the use of salt. Article, which can be compared with the effect of taking pressure tablets. The best type of load for the heart is aerobic load (running, swimming, dancing). You should also avoid stress in every possible way. The best effect in the initial stages is given ways to combat it – psychotherapy, meditation, etc.
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