How to use a solution of milk and iodine to treat cucumbers
Pumpkin crops are susceptible to many fungal diseases, including downy mildew (false or false powdery mildew), powdery mildew, alternaria, cladosporiosis, black leg of seedlings, white rot, gray rot, ascochyta, etc.
And most diseases in cucumber plantings are detected already at the stage of formation of the first true leaves.
Usually, a sign of trouble is yellowing of the lower leaves and the appearance of various spots on them.
Experienced gardeners do not wait for the appearance of diseases, but carry out preventive treatments of plants from the first weeks of vegetation. To prevent the outbreak of infections and at the beginning of their spread, home-made fungicides made from food products and pharmacy products are very helpful.
The most popular among gardeners are solutions based on milk and iodine with the addition of soap.
What are its beneficial properties?
Iodine is a powerful antiseptic and trace element that participates in the photosynthesis processes of all plants. Solutions with its addition inhibit the vital activity of dangerous fungi and bacteria on plants and in the soil, and also accelerate the ripening of fruits.
Milk is an effective additive to the solution to improve the adhesion of the liquid and protect the leaves from diseases and pests by creating an invisible film that envelops the leaves after drying.
Tar and sulfur-tar soap is a natural adhesive that increases the duration of the beneficial effect after watering seedlings, and a natural repellent of dangerous pests of cultivated plants.
How to properly dilute milk with iodine for processing cucumbers and other pumpkin vegetables in greenhouses and on beds
Such a product can be prepared in a matter of minutes to quickly process cucumbers and prevent yellowing of leaf plates.
Take 9 liters of water warmed in the sun or settled, dilute 1 liter of low-fat milk in it, half a teaspoon of iodine (pharmacy tincture on 5% alcohol) and 40 g of grated tar or sulfur-tar soap.
Pour the resulting working solution into the bowl of a garden sprayer. Treat the cucumbers early in the morning or after sunrise from all sides. When spraying, do not neglect the back of each leaf, the tips of the shoots, stems, flower stalks and ovaries. Moisten the soil under the bushes with the remaining solution.
The biofungicide for gherkins can be used for the first time when the third true leaf appears. In the future, to prevent cucumber diseases, it is advisable to use the product 2-3 times a month (every 10-15 days).
Systematic treatment of cucumbers with a milk-iodine solution helps to prolong the life of plants, protecting them from yellowing of leaves and the spread of phytopathogens.
This simple tool eliminates the need to use toxic and expensive fungicides, the components of which can accumulate in the greens.
Have a good harvest of cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins and squash on your plot!
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