How to use ash to protect radishes from pests and increase yields

Radish can be safely called an “unpretentious” garden crop. The plant is not afraid of low temperatures and can grow fully even in conditions of a lack of nutrients. However, radishes are quite vulnerable to some pests and diseases.


Therefore, a summer resident should not take risks and leave the crop without full care: it is far from a fact that the plant will cope with difficult conditions on its own.

Protection of radishes from dangerous insects is ensured by spraying the plant with one simple remedy.

How to make the remedy

The mass that will save the garden crop from pests and dangerous diseases is very easy to prepare.

The basis is ash. You need to take a bucket and fill it one third with unburned wood residues. The remaining volume of the container should be filled with warm water.

You need to wait 2-3 days. This time will be enough for the infusion to fully reach readiness.

How to use the product

The liquid should be poured into a spray bottle, and then sprayed on the radish.

As a result of the procedure, the plant will receive protection from a common pest – the beet flea. The absence of a dangerous insect will significantly increase the yield of garden crops.

In a similar way, you can make the harvest of other crops, for example, beets and cabbage, more generous.

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Author: alex

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