How to use baking soda in the garden

Having gone to a gardening store for a means to exterminate any what kind of plant disease or universal helper, the gardener can get confused. A variety of packages, chemicals and liquids promise a quick solution to any problem. But what should a gardener do if he cannot afford to buy individual tools for each culture or he has little experience in this matter? The answer lies in soda. This is a garden remedy for all troubles.

Fighting late blight

Ordinary soda is an effective assistant in the process of extermination of late blight that has spread to tomatoes. It can be used as a preventive measure, and as a treatment on affected tomatoes.

Soda solution prepared from 10 liters of water and 50 g of soda should be sprayed on the bushes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure once a week until the problem is completely eliminated. Additionally, this technique can make the fruits sweeter.

Continuation of cucumber fruiting

Quickly yellowing cucumber whips can be saved from early death if you apply ordinary baking soda. This will allow the cucumbers to ripen, increasing the yield. It is necessary to mix 25 g of soda in a bucket of water and water the bushes, having previously poured clean water over them to protect the root system.

For each plant, half a liter of liquid should be poured. For quick ripening of the fruits, the procedure should be started after the first harvest and the soda solution should be applied 4 more times every other day.

Extermination of the wireworm

A potato plantation is another place where soda is used. Sodium successfully fights the wireworm. In the presence of such a problem, experienced gardeners recommend adding 1 tsp. of soda However, the recipe for salvation is not quick. Getting rid of the wireworm in general is a difficult task. It is necessary to repeat the procedure for 2-3 years.

Destruction of aphids

One of the most famous pests in the garden. Aphids can appear on any crop and slowly destroy an entire crop. Dicarbonate is the assistant of sodium in this case as well. Dilute it in the amount of 50 g in a bucket of water and spray the damaged branches.

The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the evening, when the sun goes down from the horizon. This way, the solution will last longer on the plants and reveal its qualities better.

Extending the life of cut flowers

Many summer residents want to keep cut flower bouquets in a vase as long as possible. There are a lot of life hacks for this, and soda is among them. 15 g of soda is needed for 2 liters of water. The resulting solution must be thoroughly mixed and your favorite flowers placed in it.

Not so long ago, we wrote about how to use soda in the household.

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Author: alex

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