How to use horseradish in the garden: three ways from summer residents

Horserdish is not often heard. It is mostly talked about when cucumbers need to be fermented, and people are also interested in how to eradicate it from the garden. Today we will look at this crop from a completely different angle.

Three ways to use horseradish

You know that the leaves and especially the roots are quite burning. This is the power of horseradish. It has disinfectant properties that can be applied to the soil. Make a horseradish tincture. Pour this solution over the soil at the end of the season. The result will be excellent.

Horseradish leaves are so large and sprawling. Therefore, they can perfectly act as mulch. Spread them under plants. Don't throw them away at the end of the season. Just dig them up together with the soil. This will both protect the soil from moisture loss and protect it from pests, thanks to its specific smell.

This leads to the third use, which was already mentioned above. Horseradish can protect against pests. Aphids especially dislike it. Crush the leaves of the plant, pour warm water over them, let them infuse. Dilute with water and treat the plants. The aphids will disappear.

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What pests in the garden can be fought with the help of helminth tablets

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Author: alex

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