How to use wheatgrass's “vulnerable spot” to remove weeds
The vitality of wheatgrass was noted by ancient farmers, for whom weeds were no less of a headache than for modern summer residents. Experienced gardeners use one weak spot of wheatgrass, thanks to which they easily get rid of weeds.
The weakness of the plant lies in its photophilous nature. Sunlight ensures aggressive growth and rapid reproduction of wheatgrass.
When it gets into the shade, the weed, of course, will not die immediately. But the plant will definitely weaken. Therefore, summer residents build a strategy for expelling weeds from their plot on this.
There are several ways to deprive wheatgrass of solar energy: mulching, green manure, and digging.
The ideal green manure in the fight against wheatgrass is Jerusalem artichoke. The plant suppresses the growth of weeds and shades them. Jerusalem artichoke can even stop raspberries and rose hips, which like to take over the entire plot.
Mulching can save the situation, but it is a laborious method. Some summer residents advise using dense material that will definitely stop the wheatgrass. Cardboard, roofing felt, or linoleum, pieces of which may have remained after repairs, are suitable for this.
Digging up helps only in cases where wheatgrass has just appeared on the site. Otherwise, it will take a lot of effort to defeat the plant.
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