How to water beds with soapy water
Watering garden beds is the secret to successfully growing garden and horticultural crops, getting an excellent harvest. But often summer residents wonder if it is possible to water garden beds with soapy water.
You can water garden beds with soapy water, but you need to do it correctly so as not to ruin the plants.
The use of soapy water is justified when the summer resident needs to reduce the acidity of the soil. There are many crops that do not like acidic soils.
What kind of soap and how to properly prepare the solution
To prepare the product, you will need ordinary laundry soap. You need 100-200 g of grated or crushed soap per 10 liters of water. Treatment is carried out no more than once every two weeks.
You can harm the plantings only if you exceed the concentration and water more often than allowed. The soil will become alkaline, which will not be liked even by those plants that prefer slightly acidic soil.
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