How to water onions so that there is a big bulb
Bulbs are formed within two months after planting, so during this period, summer residents should approach watering crops responsibly. At this time, the soil in the garden should be moist. If there is no rain, and the hot weather lasts for a long time, you need to water 1-2 times a week.
For onions, water is prepared in advance: it is collected in a metal tub, in which it is heated throughout day. The warm settled liquid has a beneficial effect on the onion: the plants are less prone to stress, grow better, the bulbs grow larger.
Often the “feathers” of the onion turn yellow. Summer residents mistakenly believe that the problem is a lack of water, so they water more intensively.
But in practice, this leads to rotting of bulbs. The cause of yellowing can be a fly. You can defeat the pest if you water the plants with salt water.
The trick was used even earlier and with the help of a solution both to scare away pests and to increase the yield.
For the first watering, take 300 g of salt per 10 l. For the second – 400 g, for the third – 600 g. Thus, in three weeks you can get rid of the onion fly and create the basis for a large harvest.
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