How to water the garden in the absence of water by the method of “artificial dew”

Plants in the site require regular watering and constant control. But what if the water is missing?

It is impossible to leave the plants without moisture, they will die. Therefore, it is worth learning about the method of artificial dew that will saturate the plants with moisture at minimal cost.

that you need to know about the method

Among the summer residents, the idea that for good fruiting of crops, it is necessary to pour plants with a large stock. Plants after irrigation quickly gain daily rate. In this case, most moisture is absorbed into the soil or evaporates in the sun.

Water is needed not only by the root system, without it can not exist leaves and stems. It is the leaves and stems that accumulate most of the water and directly affect the amount of crop. The main thing is to follow technologies and remember regular control.Watering must be performed after sunset. If the plants are shining bright sun, moisture will evaporate faster from the soil. Also, if you pour water on the heated soil, it will evaporate faster. It is worth waiting for the soil to cool down and will not be on the sun;

  • Water should be poured on top of the leaves and stems. It may seem to many that this way can damage the plants. Of course, there are serious risks with young crops. But pour them with caution, pouring slowly a small amount of water, maintaining the integrity of the plants. And as soon as the water gets to the ground, it is enough for it to get 2-4 centimeters;
  • a good effect can only be achieved in one case-watering is performed daily. Watering the plants several times a week, there will be no special benefit and difference with the traditional method of watering. It is better to saturate plants rather than try to save water.1. The watering is significantly reduced. As a rule, if the standard method consumes more than 30 minutes on watering, this method reduces the time to 10 minutes.

    2. The water is consumed several times less. And this has a positive effect on the next crop.

    4. For irrigation, there is no need to use special devices. It is enough to prepare a watering can or a hose with water. Experienced cottagers in this method of irrigation recommend mulching. For mulching it is better to use the following organic matter:

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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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