How to whiten teeth at home

It is quite obvious that it is impossible to achieve a completely Hollywood smile on your own – all after all, very serious complex work of a specialist is needed here. But do not despair! It turns out that you can pump up your smile. As? The head of the InSmile clinic Gleb Pekli tells. By the way, be sure to subscribe to his Instagram: the doctor gives a lot of valuable advice, and what's more, he just looks really cool!

Choose a competent brush

Brush your teeth correctly (spoiler: no, just do it right – it'll be fine, don't wait)
The BASS cleaning technique is the most effective and atraumatic method of tooth care. Hold the handle of the toothbrush as if you were holding a pen. It is necessary to place it on the surface of the teeth in such a way that one half of the bristles lies on the gums, and the other – on the enamel of the teeth. The entire head of the brush must be completely pressed against the teeth (without pressure), the angle of the working surface of the brush is 45 degrees. Start hygiene from the buccal (vestibular) surface of the chewing teeth. In light circular movements, sweeping from the gum to the edge of the tooth, without pressure, move the brush from one tooth to another, starting from the back chewing teeth to the front. When you reach the middle of the jaw, turn the brush around and continue to move it in a circular polishing motion, now from the front teeth to the back teeth. And yes, it is necessary to act systematically. For example, first clean all the external (vestibular) surfaces, then the internal (oral), first the lower, then the upper teeth, chewing surfaces. floss and interdental roots) and, of course, the tongue is an area of ​​high accumulation of plaque.

Take care of a safe paste

There are many toothpastes on the market – it's no wonder that many have difficulty choosing them. The main mistake is that almost everyone first of all pays attention to their properties – protection against caries, fight against inflammation, whitening… Meanwhile, it is important to take into account the degree of abrasiveness – the RDA index, which indicates how effectively the paste copes with pigmentation and dental plaque. Here it is important not to overdo it: too high an indicator (more than one hundred units) can scratch the enamel.

Be careful with whitening

Many people try to whiten their teeth with the help of non-professional systems (strips, varnishes) and ancient methods: activated carbon, soda, hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice… Stop! This is not only ineffective, but also dangerous for the teeth due to the risk of damaging the enamel and burning the mucous membranes. There is only one safe (and at the same time effective) system – individual mouthpieces plus professional Opalescence PF gels based on carbamide peroxide.

The whitening regimen can be different – from 1 to 10 hours a day. In some cases, mouthguards can be installed even at night – a dentist can give a more precise recommendation here. And don't forget about the white diet and special rinses.

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Author: alex

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