How to whiten window sills to remove traces of flower pots

After a while any windowsill acquires an unpleasant yellow tint. Thus, plastic reacts to sunlight. Dark circles left by flower pots on the plastic surface add to the problem.


It is not always possible to wash off such stains, even using modern chemical cleaning agents, the first time. But there are several ways to achieve snow-whiteness and remove stains on the windowsill. Let's consider one of them.

For cleaning, use ordinary laundry and baking soda. Mix the components in a ratio of 1:1 until a thick paste is formed.

If there is a little more soda, it is okay, the effect will simply increase.

Apply the resulting composition to the surface and leave it for 5-7 minutes After that, walk over the surface of the windowsill with a sponge or a brush soaked in water.

If the window sill is too dirty or very yellowed, then a little dishwashing detergent is added to the laundry and soda.

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Author: alex

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