How to wipe a mirror so it doesn't fog up

It's not surprising that a bathroom mirror often gets wet from the steam that has settled on it. The fact is that the room constantly maintains a high level of air humidity. In such a situation, moisture quickly appears on the mirror surface.


There's no point in wiping it with a towel. First, the mirror will fog up again. Secondly, there will be rubbed stains.

You can, of course, open the bathroom door to have the opportunity to shave, brush your teeth, apply makeup or do other hygiene procedures after a bath or shower.

But you will have to wait a long time until the mirror becomes clean again.

However, the problem can be solved much easier. If you wipe the mirror with one product, then fogging will never appear.

What to wipe the mirror with

The presence of a soap “film” on its surface will prevent the mirror from fogging. Thus, the mirror glass should be wiped with soap.

Moreover, it is important that the bar is new and dry. It is not worth using a product that is lying in a soap dish.

After wiping with soap, an invisible film will appear on the mirror, which will not interfere with viewing your reflection, but will not allow the surface to fog up.

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Author: alex

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