How with frozen cabbage to prepare delicious cabbage rolls


often do not want the needle to prepare the cabbage. The difficulty is associated with cabbage leaves, which must first be boiled. But experienced housewives pre -freeze cabbage leaves and thus simplify their lives.To freeze, you need to take a cabbage, wrap it in a film and send it to the freezer for three days. Of course, if the freezer temperature is -18 or below, the freezing time can be reduced. Thawed leaves will be pliable and soft. There are a few more tricks that will be discovering for most:

  • The correct ratio of cereals and meat 1 to 2. And for 500 g of minced meat should not be added more than one medium size bulb, as it will affect the taste and aroma.
  • round rice is the optimal solution. It must be thoroughly washed before cooking. It is better to soak rice in general to get a great result.
  • You can prepare cabbage rolls on a vegetable pillow for a saturated taste. It is necessary to cut onions, carrots, bell peppers. These ingredients will make the aroma and taste of cabbage more saturated in the cooking process.
  • can be cooked in water. Some housewives add a tomato sauce that makes taste and aroma more saturated. It is better to serve sour cream with a finished dish. These recommendations can be called banal, but they will improve your dish. And if there is no time or effort, it is better to give preference to another dish.

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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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