How with mulching delay moisture on beds


Regular watering takes a lot of time and effort. All gardeners are well aware that if the plants do not receive enough moisture, you can forget about a good harvest. Therefore, it is worth understanding how to keep moisture on the beds.


Most summer residents are not ready to mulch in their area. There is a stereotype that it is too difficult to make mulch. It is also known that when mulching inside can appear various beetles and other insects that will harm the crop. But if mulching is done correctly, you can forget about all problems. This is especially important in the spring when the weather may change dramatically.

  • The number of weeds is significantly reduced. It should be understood that it is impossible to completely get rid of weeds when mulching. It is recommended to use sawdust from fruit trees. If you use coniferous rocks, you can harm plants as they are saturated with volatiles and resins.

    Particular attention should be paid to the size of the sawdust. If it is large, it can be used for seedlings. It is convenient to mulch sown beds. You should also pay attention to the thickness.This method is ideal for the garden, but it can also be used on beds. The disadvantage of this material is that it is only suitable for strong crops. Here you can include: potatoes, tomatoes, etc.

    If you use a mowed grass, it must be young and dry. Some put the grass immediately after mowing, making a key mistake. And here the grass will just begin to rot, blocking the access of oxygen. It is also unacceptable to use grass with seeds because the number of weeds in the area will increase significantly.

    is a simple rule: a larger layer is better. It should be understood that the thickness of the layer will decrease over time, so it is rare to update. The only problem is that it is not easy to lay a black film. It should be whole and opaque. The main task is to completely close the soil around the plants. Pus must be chosen with a lot of straw. If the pus is poorly overcome, the plants may die in the area.

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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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