How with the help of onion husk get rid of cabbage


The most dangerous pest after Coloradog and Evka. There is cabbage in the country. If the former live exclusively on the ground and respond fairly quickly to various folk decoctions and pesticides, then this pest lives underground and therefore the fight against it will not be simple. It is known that all underground residents have a developed sense of smell, and therefore they are acutely responding to many unpleasant odors.

are popular with the popularity of tips that are offered to sprinkle the soil or bury it with sawdust (rags) treated in kerosene.

the method is not quite environmentally friendly, as it also affects useful organisms that live in the soil and are responsible for its fertility. Compounds, this method will not damage the soil or planting. It's about onion husk infusion.

It is easy to prepare. It is enough to fill the husk with clean warm water and leave to insist for 4-6 days. The more the husk, the more concentrated the agent will be. The result is a concentrate that is diluted with water in a 1: 5 ratio and watered with problem areas. It is best to start processing after rain.

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Author: alex

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