Hypertension: 3 facts that are useful for everyone to know

Every third adult in the world suffers from high blood pressure. We have collected facts related to the development of hypertension. According to doctors, it is useful for everyone to know about them.

Atherosclerosis and thick blood. Atherosclerosis of blood vessels (clogging with plaques), as well as thick and viscous blood in humans most often lead to the development of hypertension. Atherosclerosis and hypertension are interrelated: it causes an increase in blood pressure, and hypertension, in turn, makes the development more intense. It is extremely important to control the level of cholesterol in the blood! Due to the narrowing of blood vessels and their clogging with cholesterol, not enough oxygen enters the tissues and organs, which leads to the development of various diseases. Cholesterol in the blood is increased by improper diet, excessive obesity, decreased physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, stress and hereditary factors.

Gender characteristics. Women under the age of 45 are less likely to suffer from high blood pressure compared to men of the same age, and are also less likely to face the problem of strokes and heart attacks. Women after 65 suffer from hypertension more often than men of the same age.

Blood pressure at the sight of doctors. There is such a phenomenon as the “white coat effect”, when people's blood pressure involuntarily increases at the sight of medical workers.

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Author: alex

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