Ida grid: Grandma's fairy tales or an effective remedy?

In the opinion of the therapist iodine mesh really works. This is due to the two properties of iodine: it relieves inflammation and warms the tissues, increasing blood circulation. On the breast, a grid is painted with dry cough, and on the feet, calves and thinner lines on the nose and carrying – with a cold. Helps mesh as well if the swelling of the impact has already passed.

Attention ! Before first use, check that there is an allergic reaction. To do this, apply one small line to the inside of the forearm and watch for half an hour. Normally, there should be no changes in the skin, even redness.

in pregnancy is better not to risk. An allergic reaction can occur, even if it has never been manifested in life. This method of treatment is also contraindicated in children. This is manifested in skin reactions, dizziness, lack of air. You will need a cotton swab and a 5% iodine solution. Apply a thin line to make the cells with a side one centimeter.

in any case, do not self-medicate. If you have health problems, consult a specialist.

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Author: alex

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