If there are these 2 words on the sausage, don't even think about buying the product
If you want to choose a quality sausage that is made from meat, not cheap substitutes, pay attention to its composition. We tell you what should not be in the first lines of the composition of a quality sausage.
When we choose sausage, we usually put taste, smell and price in the first place, but it is no less important to pay attention to the composition of the product. The high quality of sausage products is determined by the meat content, and if you see certain products in the composition, it is better not to buy such sausage. There is nothing criminal in them, but the amount of meat leaves much to be desired.
We are talking about the “favorites” of manufacturers – soy protein and potato starch. These ingredients are used in sausage products to reduce the cost. Soy protein can replace part of the meat due to its cheapness, but it does not have the taste and nutritional properties that natural meat contains. Potato starch is added to increase the volume of the sausage.
The presence of these additives means that the sausage contains little protein. A real sausage, which contains a high percentage of meat, has not only an excellent taste, but also a high nutritional value. And if you see soy protein or potato starch in the first part of the list of ingredients, then this should be a signal for you that the sausage is made, mainly, from cheap substitutes, and not from natural meat!
Do not forget also about harmful additives, such as monosodium glutamate, which “mask” the low quality of the product. If you want to be sure that the sausage you choose will be tasty and not harmful, always check the label, and do not trust the word of the seller. Products with a minimum of additional additives and a high meat content are the right choice for your health.
So, if you see soy protein or potato starch in the first lines of the sausage composition, do not buy such a product. It is better to spend a little more money and choose a sausage with natural meat. After all, a natural product is not only tastier, but also healthier for your body.
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