If you have anemia and a drop in hemoglobin levels, you should get checked for cancer.
Surgeon Ildus Mukhametov: if a person develops colorectal cancer, anemia may occur.
The surgeon said that colorectal cancer is the type of cancer that people after the age of 40 often become susceptible.
Most often, colorectal cancer occurs without obvious symptoms and it turns out to be too late. But in the early stages, the disease is well treatable, so it is important to detect it in time,” said the specialist.
Mukhametov advised to consult a doctor with the appearance of certain symptoms. According to him, it is necessary to be examined and checked for cancer in case of anemia and a drop in the level of hemoglobin.
“Anemia can be a sign of a tumor of the right half of the large intestine. If the level of hemoglobin drops, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis,” he emphasized.
How does anemia manifest itself? Her symptoms are paleness, rapid fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, flies in the eyes, ringing in the ears, and profuse sweating even with slight physical exertion.
In addition, the surgeon added, you need to be checked for cancer if you constantly have abdominal pain. discomfort is felt, swelling occurs and flatulence Another alarming sign is constipation, which is becoming more frequent.
Mukhametov drew attention to the fact that early detection of colorectal cancer is primarily helped by preventive diagnostics. After 40 years, a colonoscopy should be performed, a fecal analysis should be performed for occult blood. In addition, for better protection against colon cancer, you should follow healthy habits – avoid inactivity, do not smoke, prevent obesity, do not consume harmful foods, and do not abuse alcohol.
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