If you're tired of the taste of dumplings, throw these ingredients into the water
Shop dumplings are one of the easiest dishes to prepare. It is enough just to pour the frozen product into a pan with water and put it on the stove. Busy people often use store-bought dumplings because they want to spend time preparing more complex dishes. However, the taste of semi-finished products eventually bores even the most undemanding person from a culinary point of view.
But a little trick will help not only to update the dish, but also to make it much tastier.
What ingredients to use
Two simple components will help to improve the taste of dumplings. This is a bulb and a bay leaf.
The first spice in the pot of water should be bay leaf. Next, two halves of the onion go into the container. After that, the liquid should be salted.
As soon as the water boils, a little oil is poured into it. This is done so that the dumplings do not stick together.
You can add the semi-finished product itself only after the liquid boils again.
An important point: the dumplings must be in water gradually. It is impossible to pour all the frozen culinary products into the pan at once. First, you need to throw the first dumpling into the water, then the second, and so on.
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