Illnesses that indicate a particular taste in the mouth
in the taste in your mouth you can find out which organ is ill. This symptom cannot be ignored. But there may be other reasons. And now in order.
sour taste
Apparently, it has the simplest explanations. It is a high acidity associated with increased production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, gastritis or disease, which is manifested by periodic release of gastric juice into the esophagus. A possible cause may be impaired gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy, when overeating or excess fat and smoked in food. This is added to the problems of the oral cavity: caries, periodontal disease and others.
bitter taste
The causes of the bitter taste should be sought in the gallbladder and in the biliary tract. Check your liver if repeated. Most often it can be observed when taking fat, fried, smoked and marinated. But sometimes these effects cause some medicinal substances. Perhaps this is a consequence of stress, to victory over which the body began to increase glucose production. It is also possible that these are the first symptoms of diabetes or signs of poisonous substances. It is best to consult a specialist. There are few reasons. It is either dehydration or inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and oral cavity. If the increase in the amount of tea glasses per day does not eliminate this taste, consult a doctor.
the taste of metal
if you have no habit, keep a piece of metal in your mouth constantly, but the metal taste pursues you, immediately consult your doctor. It can be poisoning, metabolic disorders, diabetes and gallbladder dysfunction. This may be a problem that the dentist will solve. Check your health.
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