In Lviv, a boy's kidneys and liver failed after swimming in the river: what infection caused it

The doctors managed to save the boy.

This was reported to the medical institution.

Danylo Maksymchuk from the city of Ladyzhyn in Vinnytsia region went swimming with his friends on the South Bug River on a hot day. In the evening, the boy's temperature suddenly rose, which was difficult to bring down, and in the morning vomiting appeared.

At first, the doctors of the district hospital assumed that the boy had heat stroke due to the heat, but his condition only worsened. Only after two days of treatment, it turned out that Danylo's kidneys and liver were failing. The infection also threatened the cardiovascular system. In critical condition, he was taken to Lviv to the hospital of St. Mykolaiv, where doctors are fighting for his life.

Due to Danylo's acute kidney failure caused by leptospirosis, doctors simultaneously treated the disease itself and its complications. The boy was connected to a machine for acute dialysis — an “artificial kidney” — for two days due to severe intoxication. After that, dialysis was performed three times a week for four hours. The liver was stabilized medically. Doctors fought for the teenager's life for almost a month. Now his organs have recovered, and Danylo has returned to Vinnytsia to complete his treatment.

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Author: alex

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