In order not to attract trouble and trouble: do not bring these herbs into the house on the Trinity

This year we will celebrate the Trinity on June 23. On this day, you need to collect herbs, which are then stored for the whole next year. 

Traditionally, on the Trinity you need to go to church and pray. After that, you can start collecting herbs, which have not only healing, but also, according to beliefs, magical properties. Collected herbs are also consecrated in the church.

But not all herbs should be taken to the consecration and into your home. Which plants are suitable for this, and which ones should not be touched, said “Hochu”.

What plants should be added to the bouquet

► Airbrush will help attract health and luck to the house , prosperity, cleanse it of evil and protect the owners of the house.

► Wormwood is used for protection, soothing and as a pain reliever. It can also help to cope with fatigue if you put a leaf in your shoes.

► Thyme will help you attract a loved one, get pregnant and raise healthy babies. He is considered a talisman for peace in the family. Tea made from this herb also has soothing and hypnotic properties.

► Cornflower is an excellent talisman against evil spirits. He will help unmarried girls to speed up the meeting with the man. This herb is also used when it is necessary to relieve pain or reduce fever.

► Lavandula also protects against evil spirits, spoilage and the evil eye.

► Mint and lemon balm protect the owners of the house from unkind people , ward off evil and purify the house. Tea made from these herbs will help you calm down and sleep better.

Herbs that should not be brought into the house:

  • blue-headed flat, milk thistle, and sedum;
  • plants with thorns, because they attract quarrels;
  • creepy plants, weeds and burdocks will invite trouble;
  • rosehip – will attract a serious illness;< /li>
  • herbs collected in cemeteries, roadsides and near temples.

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Author: alex

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