In Sweden, they discovered an unusual way to detect the risk of diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a dangerous chronic disease. Its consequences range from excessive thirst to loss of vision and a complete metabolic disorder. Patients have to follow a strict diet plan, excluding many products from it.
Diabetes affects not only people, but also domestic animals, including dogs and cats. A new study by Swedish doctors established an unexpected connection between the diseases of animals and their owners.
Researchers from Uppsala University analyzed data on the health status of 210,000 dog owners, 125,000 cat owners and their pets during seven years old The sample covered about 40% of the dog population and about 23% of the cat population in the country.
It turned out that the detection of diabetes in a dog increases the risk of detection of the same disease in the owner by 32%. The feedback after adjusting for age turned out to be statistically insignificant – a diabetic owner will not necessarily have a sick animal. No such connection was found in cats and their owners.
“We think that the connection may lie in general patterns of physical activity and perhaps also with general dietary habits, as well as with general obesity risk. ”, explained Dr. Beatrice Kennedy, one of the authors of the study. In cat owners, the connection between the activity of the owner and the animal is much lower. Another possible explanation is that the owners of sick animals, being better aware of the risk of the disease, can pay more attention to their own health.
As the doctors note, the study showed the usual risks of developing diabetes in both animals and humans. Some breeds of dogs, such as Samoyeds or miniature poodles, are naturally more prone to this disease.
Source storinka.com.ua
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