In these 7 cases, it is better not to say anything at all

Is Have you ever felt like you overindulged? Sometimes we all find ourselves in a situation that forces us to say things we don't want to say. It could be a joke that spoils everything, or some ill-advised comment.

The truth is, sometimes to avoid conflict, it's better to just… keep your mouth shut.

There is situations when it is better to just silently listen to the interlocutor. The point is that this is how you observe gestures and how people express their emotions. Silence can be quite helpful, especially in the following 7 situations.

When people gossip

It's simple – people like to lie. It seems like a fun pastime to them, but you shouldn't discuss other people. The next time someone starts talking about your friends or acquaintances, don't comment. Just listen, and you will learn a lot not only about the speaker, but also about the subject of the discussion.

If you are asked to share your opinion of the person criticizing, remain silent or say something like, “I think he/she is doing his/her best.” Although you will feel uncomfortable in the moment, you will undoubtedly feel much better afterwards.

When you are asked about your personal life

“How was yesterday's date?” or “How's your intimate life?” It is difficult to count the number of such questions in our lives. Most often, they are asked by friends, so a detailed answer seems completely harmless to us. But your answers must remain confidential.

First, because you would hardly want your partner to answer such questions about you. Second, being overly open about such topics speaks of you as someone who cannot be trusted.

After an obvious mistake

If someone makes a serious mistake mistakes, it's better to keep your thoughts to yourself. At such moments, people often tend to make painful and even false accusations, so refraining from commenting helps to avoid falling into this trap.

Resist the temptation to point out the person's mistake. If you were her, you would start defending yourself too. Don't try to make her feel silly. As a result, you can start to look arrogant, which is much worse.

When you are good at a subject

We are all successful in something, but to live by showing your advantage, wrong. While you may want others to acknowledge your experience and knowledge, only mention it when appropriate.

For example, during dinner with relatives and friends, focus on expressing your gratitude for the time spent together. You will still have the opportunity to talk about your professional experience at work or over lunch with your boss.

When you know a secret that can give you an advantage

If you find yourself in a situation where you know something that could improve your life, financial situation or any other aspect of life, but it will not have a good effect on someone else's well-being, it is better to keep quiet.

This can be quite difficult to do, but anything you say can make you seem untrustworthy. You may not believe it, but silence in this case will benefit you in the long run.

When you don't understand what other people are talking about

Sooner or later everyone we find ourselves in a situation where we don't understand what we're talking about in a conversation with friends or colleagues.

Although admitting this fact may hurt your self-esteem, it's still better than saying something inappropriate or something that will put you in a negative light.

During an argument

Keep silent. Listen. Wait. At such times, people tend to say things they may later regret. If you're upset, keep quiet.

Yes, you can start arguing with your boss, parents, or loved ones, but when such an argument turns into a fight, take a step aside. Just wait and calm down, after which you can soberly consider everything you want to say.

Even if you are right, wait, because the other side of the conflict is unlikely to be ready to understand you now. At first it will be difficult to hold back, but over time you will learn it.

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Author: alex

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