In Ukraine, the issuance of subpoenas for TCCs has been simplified: what will change

In Ukraine, the process of printing summonses for conscripts is being centralized

According to the new document, the process of forming and printing summonses will be centralized, which will significantly reduce the paper burden on the TCC. Key changes include:

1. Use of the Unified state register of conscripts, conscripts and reservists for the formation of subpoenas. 2. Possibility for TCC operators to sign subpoenas using a qualified electronic signature. 3. Centralized printing of summons through the “Oberig” register.

The initiators of the changes were the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, which made corrections to the Procedure for the recruitment of citizens for military service during mobilization in a special period.

Previously, TCC operators were forced to issue subpoenas manually, which was a time-consuming process. The new system will significantly speed up and simplify this procedure.

It is important to note that the method of notifying conscripts remains unchanged. Summonses, as before, will be delivered in person or sent by mail.

These innovations are aimed at increasing the efficiency of military accounting processes and optimizing the work of the TCC as a whole.

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Author: alex

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