In Ukraine, they want to abolish the living wage: what do they offer instead?

Minister of Labor and Social Policy Oksana Zholnovich disclosed the details

In Ukraine they want to abolish the subsistence minimum.

So the Cabinet of Ministers is preparing its replacement. Namely, the subsistence minimum in Ukraine is planned to be replaced by a special social payment.

At the same time, its amount will be determined individually, and the size of the amount will be influenced by the composition of the family.

“We want to move away from the subsistence minimum . This includes fines, salaries, etc. It is very important for us to separate it,” the minister explained.

In addition, Zholnovich clarified that the new basic payment will be provided in two cases:

  • due to loss of working capacity;
  • for help in the absence of the necessary financial support or, in other words, due to poverty.

The minister also emphasized that the current living wage does not correspond to reality, as its amount is too small. According to her, the introduction of a special social payment will positively affect the entire social system and the economy.

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Author: alex

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