Increasing potassium intake fights heart disease, new study finds
According to new research, in more than 10,000 adults, less sodium and more potassium in your diet reduces your risk of heart disease.
Previous observational studies have led to confusion about whether lowering current dietary salt levels may have adverse effects , increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), noted the first author of the study Yuan Ma, a researcher in the field of epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health Health T.H. Chana.
The new data should allay these concerns.
“Our study combined high-quality individual participant data from six cohort studies in which sodium was measured by the most reliable method available, and precisely with multiple 24-hour urine samples,” he explained. “Our results should help clarify the role of sodium in cardiovascular disease—lower intakes are associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease in most populations, including the United States.”
Potassium naturally found in fruits (such as bananas), leafy greens, beans, nuts, dairy and starchy vegetables. The researchers explained that it has the opposite effect of sodium, helping to relax blood vessels and increase sodium excretion while lowering blood pressure.
The findings were presented Sunday at the American Heart Association's annual online meeting.
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