Instead of coffee: 10 products that will help recharge energy in the morning
There are many significant arguments in favor of refusal. If you also decide to reduce coffee consumption but do not know where to get vigorous in the morning, pay attention to these products – they will help you wake up by filling “long -term” energy.
cineDo not try to wake up in the morning with very sweet foods. The cheerfulness they give has a short -term effect. It is better to pay attention to natural honey. This low glycemic index product will help to satisfy your craving for sweet, without affecting blood glucose levels. In addition, this product includes other “energy stimulants” – fiber, magnesium and folic acid.
Red fish contains a number of substances that stimulate energy production in the digestive process. It is protein, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine-and, of course, omega-3 fatty acids.This citrus is a riboflavin champion that plays an important role in the process of energy production in the body. In addition, oranges are literally stuffed with vitamin C, folic acid salts and potassium. A significant argument to start a day with a glass of orange fresh, isn't it? Make yourself a banana cocktail for breakfast or grab a fruit for a snack. what hours will take. Which cereals to choose, decide to you. It can be oatmeal, brown rice or bulgur, the main thing is that the grain does not undergo preliminary processing – steam or chemical. In addition, large numbers contain proteins and B vitamins, which is important if you follow the principles of healthy eating.
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