Intelligent people do not seek friendly communication
People who prefer friendly communication to spending time alone can have above average intelligence.
Good friends are important, but not everyone can count on a wide circle of friends. Research data shows that intelligent people often do not particularly seek friendly communication – they are not burdened by loneliness and feel quite happy spending time on activities that do not require the presence of someone nearby. Even more than that. Research by British evolutionary psychologists Satoshi Kanazawa and Norman Lee found that intelligent people can be burdened by the need to maintain social contacts.
“Smart people don't like to spend time in friendly conversations and gatherings, because they are focused on other things. They may consider the time spent with friends as wasted, as they prefer to pursue their own goals and work on them.”
Scientists assume that there will be more people with high intelligence and a similar perception of friendly communication. They see this as a sign of the evolutionary changes that are taking place.
Researchers say that many patterns of human behavior remain instinctive, and maintaining contact is also driven by instincts. In those distant times, when people lived in groups, hunted together and fought for survival in the wild, it was important to maintain as many social bonds as possible – this ensured better preservation of the human population. But today this quality is much less important for the preservation of the species.
According to scientists, intelligent people are better adapted to modern life, which requires the ability to exist in isolation. The higher the intelligence, the freer a person is from instincts, including the instinct to communicate. In today's realities, people with a high need for relationships and communication turned out to be the most vulnerable.
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