Interfere with happiness: 4 most harmful habits
Happiness is built on satisfaction – a person is satisfied with who he is, where and what does Psychologists think so. However, four very dangerous habits can erase this pleasure from life forever.
Constant Comparison
It is difficult to enjoy everyday life if you constantly look at it through the lens someone else's experience, often more successful and exciting. In the era of social networks, other people's lives are constantly in front of our eyes, and we see them from the most attractive sides. Experts advise to learn to soberly evaluate the advantages of one's existence, advantages and luck.
Tendency to blame others
In any conflict, both sides are to blame. However, the habit of blaming only others and not yourself has an unpleasant consequence. A person who cannot take responsibility for what is happening begins to sink into a sense of helplessness, because he is only a free participant in negative events. If he accepts his share of guilt and responsibility, he will automatically find the strength to correct the situation.
Constant introspection
Constant introspection and search for answers to the questions “Why did this happen to me?”, “What did I do to deserve this?” interfere with the important process of our thinking – acceptance of the situation and adaptation. Psychologists recommend studying the questions “How?” and “What?”, which help a person get closer to acceptance and get used to new circumstances. Such questions as: “How can I move forward?”, “What can I get out of this?”, “What are my strengths even in this difficult situation?”, will help you to take control of yourself and start acting.
The habit of distraction and reflection
Constant distraction obscures the path to happiness, which is based on feeling yourself here and now. The switching of thoughts, the mental journey from moments of the past to moments of the future, displaces us from the present moment and forces us to worry about the affairs of days long past or not even begun. It is necessary to learn to live in the present and concentrate only on it – during a walk, at work, in the cinema. All thoughts can be left to some free time specially set aside for this.
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