Invigorates no worse than coffee: 4 healthy drinks that will help you wake up
Numerous studies speak in favor of coffee. In small quantities, this drink can have a positive effect on some organs and systems of the human body.
All over the world, people drink coffee in the morning to drive away sleep and recharge with energy. However, this drink is contraindicated for some, and some simply do not like it. In this case, you can try several alternative options.
This is Japanese green tea ground into powder. One cup of this drink contains as much caffeine as coffee. The green drink has a sweet taste with slight bitterness. Proper processing of tea leaves allows you to preserve vitamins and trace elements useful for the body as much as possible. According to a study published in the journal Molecules, the health benefits of matcha are due to its high content of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances. Tea should be brewed with hot water, but not boiling water.
It is a popular substitute for coffee. In addition to cheerfulness, this drink has a positive effect on the figure. It does not contain calories, is well absorbed by the body and suppresses appetite. Chicory does not contain caffeine, while it has an invigorating effect on the body. According to research, chicory has anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, blood-purifying and antioxidant properties. It also contributes to the development and maintenance of normal intestinal microbiota.
This is the dried pulp of the carob fruit, which consists of almost 40% carbohydrates. The drink made from carob in milk is similar to cocoa, but it is sweeter. You can not add sugar to it to get a dietary option. A large amount of vitamin A provides an influx of energy. Carob can also have a gastroprotective effect.
A drink originally from India. It is prepared on black tea with the addition of milk and a mixture of spices such as cinnamon, cloves, fennel and cardamom. You can also add almonds, nutmeg and licorice root to the drink. This tea also gives a charge of vitality for the whole day. In addition, it has a positive effect on the digestive system and helps protect the body from viruses.
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